Joseph Brentner. A Catalogue of His Works (Brk)
Johann Joseph Ignaz Brentner
Brk Coll. 4

Horae pomeridianae seu Concertus cammerales sex, op. 4

Printer: Jiří Ondřej Laboun

The fourth printed opus of Joseph Brentner was published in Prague in 1720. Unlike the previous collections, it is devoted to instrumental music. Its appearance is rather different too:  There is no dedicatee or dedication and the parts were apparently published without the common title page. The remark “Micro-Pragae apud authorem” in the caption titles as well as the sole occurrence of the printer’s name at the end of one part suggest that the composer participated more actively in the publishing of the collection than had been the case with the previous ones.


Composition: Not after 1720

Edition: Instrumentální hudba / Instrumental Music (Academus Edition 4)



Last changed: 2021-01-07
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