Joseph Brentner. A Catalogue of His Works (Brk)
Johann Joseph Ignaz Brentner
Brk 74

Taedet animam meam

The composition is known from a unique source written down by P. Maurus Brunnmayr from Göttweig in 1725. In that time, P. Brunnmayr copied more music by Brentner (see Brk 69, Brk 101), whom he may have known personally from the time of his studies in Prague before 1714. The exact impulse for the renewed interest in Brentner’s music in Göttweig around the mid-1720s is not known.

B, 2 vl, vla, org (= bc)

Composition: Not after 1725



Lost transcript from Osek
[Classification: Inventory record]
Before 1723
Composition with same title is listed in the Catalogus Musicaliorum, music inventory from Cistercian monastery in Osek, fol. 12r (Gradualia de Tempore. Ab Anno 1723 procurata): "Taedet animam meam. Canto Solo (!) Brentner " . The solo voice is different, it is not common transposition from canto to tenor and Brentner quite often composed the aria on the same text twice – these are the arguments why the lost composition recorded in the Osek inventory bears also its own catalogue number Brk Ap. 45.


Last changed: 2021-01-23
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